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Attention Providers: Use your myPRES Provider User ID and password to access provider services; for example, claims, eligibility, and prior authorization. Do not use a myPRES Member login.

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Precoa Portal. You are logging in to an application on the Precoa network. Please enter your email address and password to continue.

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E-mail: myPRES Training. If you would like to receive training in person, please contact your Provider Network Management Relationship Executive or access online here myPRES Training Manual. EpicConnect Citrix Portal Employee and Client Payroll Portal Access. All Portal functionality has been restored.

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If you do not have a myPRES Provider login, register now Send us an E-mail. First name * Last name * Legal Business Name * Email Address * Business Phone Number * Your Title * Your Message * Office Locations. Administration. 5855 West Main Street Dothan, AL 36305. 334.712.9939. Corporate. 113 Adris Place Dothan, AL 36303.

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